Hey Friend!

My name is Sam and on this site you can learn a bit about me and see what I'm currently working on.


picture of Sam

About Me

Scroll or click through to learn a bit about me and my journey with technology, both failures and successes, over the years!


I love to make things both for the general web and for edutainment purposes. Here are the tools I use:

Game Projects

Turtleburg - Built using Godot Engine, GDScript, Python, and Aseprite.

Cheezy Conundrum - Built using JavaScript, p5.js, Aseprite, and repl.it.

Sandcastle Tycoon - Built using p5.js and repl.it.

Web Projects

Edvisor - Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Personal Portfolio - Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

DBHS G.E.M.S - Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Sandy Shores - Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

3D Printing Gallery

Shelf Display
Darth vader Dog portrait Banana Miscelenous Shelf Dragon ball Kuchi Kopi Autumn Dragon Hollow Dragon Imperial Dragon Family portrait Flexible dragons Among us Display Evil minion Crystal dragon Bob the minion Frenchy face Coco lithopane Frenchy buddha